Monday, December 26, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Cameron Street School Council wishing everyone a safe 
and Happy Holiday Season!

Friday, December 23, 2011


We are extremely excited to announce that Cameron Street Public School made it to the FINALS!!! 
It has truly been a community ( and beyond ) effort and we thank  each and every one of you who voted, spread the word, and has supported our dream of revitalizing the school yard, THANK YOU so very much!  

We will find out the outcome of what the Aviva judges have decided on January 25th.  

We truly thank you so much!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Vote Vote Vote... Vote Vote Vote....

Special thanks to Mrs. Sturch & Mrs. Lockharts 'B" Day JK/SK Classes for putting together this wonderful video!

vote vote vote, vote vote vote,
Please vote EVERYDAY!
We love our school called Cameron St.
but we need a better place to play! 

Monday, December 5, 2011

We need your votes for the Semi Finals!

Cameron Street Public School is 1 out of only 30 ideas that has secured a spot in the medium size category and beginning today at noon we need your votes!
Voting is open from today, ( Monday, Dec 5th until Friday, Dec 16h at noon. ) 
We need to be in the top 10 on Dec 16th in order to move on to the judging round 
and move one step closer to winning $100,000 to revitalize our school yard!

We CAN do it.  We just need your help.  Register to vote, and remember to click back daily and vote! 
Tell everyone you know to do the same! 
We have created a facebook event page should you wish to join and invite others to join as well.  
Let's spread the word.  We need this to be a real community effort!
Thank you so much to everyone for supporting this.

A special message from our Mayor, Sandra Cooper.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Thank You!

Thank you to all who came out this morning to enjoy the 2nd Annual Cameron's Christmas Surprise.  
It was another magical, fun and successful event for the school.

A huge thank you to all who were involved to make the event happen from our Sponsors ( Blue Mountain Resort, Starbucks, San Fillipo, Masterpix, Smart's Flowers ) School Council, the Staff, the many volunteers, Marketplace Vendors, our incredible Local 'Celeb' pancake servers, Better in Blue for performing and of course the man in red himself aka. Santa.
What a wonderful way to kick off the holiday season.

Congratulations to all the winners of the Classroom Themed basket raffle.

Dads Rock                                      Jean Hare
Lights, Camera, Action                   Jude Leynes
Family Fun Night (#2)                     Nella Harapiak
Creative Kidz                                  Susan Peters
Bakers Delight (#2)                        Ashley Johnston
Everything For Kids (#2)                 Chris Currie
Recaffinate (#2)                             Chris Currie
Family Fun Night                            Sam Young
Bakers Delight (#1)                        Cathy Boone
Moms Rule                                     Dave Fifield
Everything For Kids (#1)                 Dave Fifield
Recaffinate (#1)                             Susan MacDuffie

Saturday, November 26, 2011

A very special message....

Santa is in Collingwood today for the Santa Claus Parade this evening at 5pm.
I was lucky enough to get a very special meeting with him this morning!
Here is the message he wanted to send all the boys & girls at Cameron St. Public School!

Thanks so much Santa!  

Monday, November 21, 2011

Theme Baskets

For Cameron's Christmas Surprise we are once again doing a classroom themed basket raffle.
Each class has been assigned a theme and students are being asked to bring in items for the basket that go along with the theme or a minimum of a $2 donation so that we may purchase other items to fill the baskets. 

Please have the items back to the school by Wednesday November 30th.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


It was such a great fundraiser last year, that we have once again teamed up with the Environment Network to being you the eco-fundraiser!
All orders are due back to the school by Monday November 28th.

If you need another order form please let school council know

Happy "Green" Shopping!

Thank you for supporting both Cameron Street Public School and The Environment Network!

Monday, November 14, 2011

PA Day - FUNdraiser

Thinking about what you're going to do with your children this Friday, November 18th for the P.A Day?  
Much like last year, Cameron St. School Council has arranged a fun and exciting FUNdraiser with Crock A Doodle  in the Village @ Blue Mountain. 
You can spend some time with your children at Crock A Doodle painting, making fun memories and possibly even taking care of some of the gifts on your Christmas list!  Crock A Doodle has a ton of great pottery pieces for you to choose from!  ( You can click here to view many of their products online... ) 

All you need to do to take part in this "fun"draiser is to head up anytime between 10am - 7pm on Friday November 18th and tell them that you are a member of the Cameron St. School Family! 
Check out all the great pottery pieces, pick out what piece or pieces you wish to paint, paint them, pay for them ( remember to mention you are a member of the Cameron St. School Family ) and head back up in a couple days to pick it up after it's been fired.  It is so much fun, you are going to want to join your children and paint a piece yourself! 

How is this a fundraiser you ask,?  
Well much like last year, Crock A Doodle has once again generously offered to give our school a % from every piece of pottery that our Cameron Street families paint this Friday!  How great is that!!  You get to spend some time having fun creating special works of art with your children, possibly even creating some beautiful Christmas presents if you so wish, and at the same time you are raising money for our school!  Fantastic!Huge thanks from the Cameron Street School Council to Crock A Doodle for allowing us to set up this great "fun"draiser! 
Happy Creating!

Friday, November 11, 2011

It's Official!

We did it! 
As of 12:00pm today Cameron St. Public School is officially one of the 
Semi Finalists in the medium size ideas for the Aviva Community Fund!  


Thank you so much to everyone who has been voting for the Cameron.

You should feel very proud.  
Out of all the idea's across Canada ( yes across all of Canada ) Cameron St. Public School will compete in the semi finals as 1 out of just 30 ideas in the medium size category! 

More details will be coming shortly, but the semi finals will begin on December 5th at 12:00pm when we will once again need your votes.  But for now, we just want to 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The 2nd Annual....

Mark your calendar's now because we are just one month away from the 2nd Annual

More details will be coming shortly!
You can also check out the event page on facebook!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What the Tech?

A night of fun, education, and discovery for everyone, staff, students, parents, grandparents!
 Come and learn about internet safety, Facebook, Twitter, blogging, Wikis, movie making, cell phones, school websites, and much, much more. 

On Tuesday November 22nd at CCI from 6:00pm - 8:00pm 
This unique night will be hosted by 6 different local schools, Admiral Collingwood, Cameron Street, Clearview Meadows, Connaught, Mountain View, Nottawa Public School.

*Links to support student learning
*Social Media- How are they useful at school and how do they tie into home use
*How to use a computer to stay current with the school 
*Tablets, iphones, ipods, laptops, etc - how the school brings these items into the classroom to support learning rather, than being a distraction
*Digital citizenship - etiquette, plagerism, privacy - why are these important?

No charge! Refreshments to be provided.

We need to connect home and school in regards to technology.

Feel free to invite your friends and family who might be interested in this informative event!

This event is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Education's Parents Reaching Out Grant.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Another FANGTASTIC Haunted Halloween Howler!

Thank you to all who volunteered to help at the Howler on Friday night and all who attended!  It was another fangtastic event for Cameron St. School!

Cameron Street School Council wants to wish everyone a Safe and 
Happy Halloween night!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Outdoor Classroom

The outdoor classroom had another piece added earlier today!
The GORGEOUS two piece mural that was painted the incredibly talented local artist Allison Hill.

A huge thanks to school councils Deb Shackell & Kerri MacDonald for all their hard work on
the outdoor classroom project along with the Playground Committee.
 As well as Mr. Giffen & Mr. Comish 
and of course Dave Wood & Alison Bond from Envision Tatham,
Metro for the Green Apple Grant, and all the staff, students, members of school council and families who came out and supported our events last year to help us raise some money for the outdoor classroom.
Once again a HUGE thanks to the incredibly talented Allison Hill your gorgeous artwork will be loved for many years!
We hope that staff and students all enjoy their learning time in the outdoor classroom,
such a wonderful place to be able to learn in.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

We have another shot at $100,000!!

We have a 2nd chance to win $100,000 through the Aviva Community Fund 
to help revitalize the school yard! 

Please register now if you haven't already and being voting on Monday!  
Vote everyday!
We were so close to moving on to the semi finals in the first round. So we know we CAN do it in the second round, we just need more votes!  

Vote everyday!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Cameron's Haunted Halloween Howler........

Cameron Street School Council Welcomes...
All you Witches, Warlocks, Wizards, Goblins, Ghosts & Ghouls to our second annual Haunted Halloween Howler...

The doors to our crypt will be open from the bewitching hours of 6:30pm-8:00pm on Friday October 28th.

Bring your Mummies & Daddies and any other "human" creatures from your family to join us in our Haunted Hallways.

We encourage you to come as you 'aren't', give your Halloween costumes a trail run in our Boo-tiful costume parade and be sure to drop by for a 'bite' in Vampire Alley where you might just find some tasty treats!

Visit our ghoulish gym for some spooktacular spells, ghostly games and of course wicked witching!

For those of you who dare to enter our Creepy Crypt, we will have our trusty crypt keepers at the doors collecting monetary donations in exchange for admittance. 
"Not to worry, you can keep all your limbs, monetary only"

Hope to SCARE you there! 
ha ha ha

Friday, October 7, 2011

Special Report

3 Reporters took to the school yard yesterday to bring you this special update!

Vote for Cameron to win $100,000 to revitalize the school yard!

Please vote everyday!  Tell everyone you know to VOTE!
We won't win UNLESS you vote!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011


( Part of our Cameron Cares team posing for a photo with Former NHL Hockey Player, Scott Thornton who was also this years Honorary Chair for the Collingwood Run for the Cure Site.  Fabulous photo taken by the talented Isis Photography ) 


Congratulations and Thank you to all of the Cameron Street School Staff, Students and Families that were part of the Cameron Cares team for the 2011 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure in Collingwood yesterday!  

Raising well over $4500 towards a future without breast cancer our Cameron Cares team won the School Challenge award, making Cameron Street School the first ever 'Elementary' school from Collingwood to the that award in the past 7 years!

A special thanks to team Captain Emma Nichol who fundraised over $1200 and was the 6th highest fundraiser at the Collingwood Site, and to Megan Sims who fundraised $1400 and was the 4th highest fundraiser at the Collingwood site! 
Each of our team members really did an amazing job so you should all feel very proud!

Cameron Cares was part of over 800 participants who helped to raised well over $162,000 yesterday at the event.  Which helped to meet the Run Committee's goal of raising ONE MILLION dollars at the Collingwood Run Site in just 7 short years!  

Congratulations Cameron, what great community spirit you demonstrated yesterday, you should all be very proud!!  

( Photo of Mr. Giffen, Mr. Comish, Emma Nichol & Megan Sims )

Friday, September 30, 2011

We NEED you to VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!!


Voting opens Monday at 12pm.

Cameron Street School Council 
is applying for the 
Aviva Community Fund 
and we need your help!

We need to you VOTE, VOTE, VOTE, vote EVERYDAY!
Tell your families, friends, co-workers, share the link on facebook, twitter, email.

Click on the photo above or the link below to view our voting page and read our submission, 
and then on Monday starting at 12pm you can

A very special thanks to Deb Shackell for working so hard on this submission for us.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

School Council Meeting dates.....

Cameron Street School Council meets once a month, usually the first Monday of the month 
at 7:00pm in the school library.  
All are welcome to attend!

Here are our meeting dates for the year.  

September 19th
October 3rd
November 7th
December 5th
January 16th
February 6th
March 5th
April 2nd
May 7th
June TBA

We hope to see you there!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Get ready to SMILE....

Get ready to SMILE....
Picture day is coming up!

Thursday, October 13th - Kdgn B days to Grade 3
Friday, October 14th - Kdgn A days & Grades 4-8

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Have you heard about the new Choices room at Cameron?

In an effort to encourage our students to make positive choices while at school, Cameron Street Public School will be implementing new initiative this year.  Students who demonstrate positive choices during the day while interacting with their peers and staff will be recognized and invited to visit the Choices Room during the last period of the day.  While in the Choices Room they will have the opportunity to work with other students on problem solving games and activities as a way to celebrate and reinforce their positive behaviour.  Recognizing student’s positive behaviour will be based on our SCDSB Character Traits of:

·        Integrity
·        Responsibility
·        Cooperation 
·        Empathy                    
·        Optimism                  
·        Respect                     
·        Honesty                     
·        Caring                       
·        Inclusiveness
·        Courage

Students who chose not to make positive choices during their day will also be asked to attend the Choices Room during the last period of the day to receive support.  During this time they will be provided with the opportunity to work with Mr. Comish to review school or classroom expectations, complete assignments, work through conflicts or focus on developing their learning skills and work habits.
Students will bring home their choices invitation in their agenda so that parents and guardians are aware of their participation in this program.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Choices Program please contact Mr. Comish at the school.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

First Meeting of 2011-2012

Just a reminder that the first School Council meeting for the 2011-2012 school year is tonight at 7pm in the library at the school.  
All are welcome to attend!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Toonies for Terry

It's been over 30 years, but Terry Fox continues to inspire people everywhere!
On April 12, 1980 Terry began his Marathon of HOPE and on Friday September 16th 
our Cameron Street Staff and Students will continue, 
as they take part in the Terry Fox run!

Please send in your Toonies for Terry and help Cameron reach their goal
of over $1000. this year!

Collingwood's Terry Fox Run will take place this 
Sunday, September 18th at 1pm, 
Harbourview Park in Collingwood.
** They are still in need of Volunteers for Sunday if you
are interested please contact Sue @ 705-466-2198 **

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Join Cameron Cares!

Last year I took on the role of the Fundraising Coordinator on the Cameron Street School Council and have had a blast helping raise money for the school.  
FUNdraising has been what I have been doing for the past 4 years.  It seems that I eat, sleep and breathe fundraising!  
I am a Volunteer Run Director for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure in Collingwood.  I have been for 4 years now, and this year I have entered a Cameron team in the run, with one of my hopes being that I am able to hand over the school award to Cameron Cares this year!  
A Collingwood elementary school has never won the school award and I am hoping that changes this year!  
Over the past 6 years our Collingwood Run Site has raised over $800,000 for a future without breast cancer.  I have no doubt that this year, our 7th year as a run site, we will reach ONE MILLION dollars raised!  A huge milestone for our site!

It is my hope that we have a large Cameron Cares team!  Staff, Students and their families are all more then welcome to join, the more the better! 

Thanks so much,
 Cameron Street School - Fundraising / Social Media Coordinator  &
 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure, Run Director 
Jennifer Nichol

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Prevent all the new back to school clothes/supplies from getting lost!

With back to school, comes back to school shopping for clothes, shoes, supplies etc.
We have a great way to prevent your child(ren)'s things from getting lost, and not only that
it's also a FUNdraiser for Cameron Street School!

From great school combo packs to bag tags, stationery product labels and so much more....
One of the best features I have seen has to be the Kid Safety product labels!  It is such a great idea!

Check out our Cameron St. School page at  

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Welcome Back!!!

Cameron Street School Council would like to welcome everyone back for another wonderful and fun year of learning!

Welcome back to our Staff, Students & Cameron Street 
School Families.
Have a fantastic first day back and we look forward to a wonderful school year ahead!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

School Supply List

Cameron Street School Council hopes that all our Cameron St. families have had a fantastic summer!  With school beginning next week we wanted to share with you the list of school supplies.

Don't forget to check out to order labels for all your school supplies and clothing as well!

Enjoy your last week of summer and we look forward to seeing you next week in the school yard!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Cameron's character!

Next fall our school walls will have some new 'artwork'...  
We have taken the 10 character traits and put our Cameron spin on them!

Cameron Council wishes all of our Cameron Street School families a safe and happy summer!