Cameron Street School Council

2011 / 2012 Cameron Street School Council

Co-chair- Patricia Wark

Co-chair- Rob Brown
Treasurer- Vacant
Secretary- Vacant
Fundraising and Event Coordinator- Jennifer Nichol
Fundraising and Event Coordinator- Lesley Young
Volunteer Coordinator- Nicole Hagreen
Playground Committee- Deb Shackell
Pizza Lunch Coordinator (Forms)- Tracy Nancekivell
Pizza Lunch Coordinator (Thursdays at the school)- Kerri MacDonald
Pita Lunch Coordinator- Melissa Nyhof
Mr. Sub Lunch Coordinator- Dianne Nobes

Parent Representatives:
Kelly Bowen, Carla Bull, Marsha Moland, Jen Sims, Terra Botelho, Michelle Liotta, Elizabeth Madigan, Michelle McCullough, Kristin Ellis

Community Representative:
Kerri MacDonald

School Representatives:
Administration Representatives- Mr. Giffen, Mr. Comish
Teaching Representive- Mrs. Sturch
Non-teaching Representative- Mrs. Crittenden

2010/2011 Cameron Street School Council

Co-chair - Patricia Wark
Co-chair - Lesley Young
Co-secretary - Marsha Cann
Co-secretary - Denise Spears
Treasurer - Mira Macan
Fundraising Coordinator - Jen Nichol
Volunteer Coordinator - Nicole Hagreen
Volunteer Coordinator - Tara Botelho
Play Ground Committee - Deb Shackell
Pita Lunch Coordinator - Kelly Bowen
Mr. Sub Lunch Coordinator - Dianne Nobes
Pizza Lunch Coordinator (Forms) - Tracy Nancekivell
Pizza Lunch Coordinator (Thursdays at the school) - Terrie Hamilton

Community Representative - Kerri MacDonald

Parent Representatives:
Trish Maher, Kristin Ellis, Carla Bull, Pauline Clarance, Elizabeth Madigan, Jessica Goldsworthy, Cindy Lewis, Liz McMillan, Michelle Liotta, Kate Leynes, Ben Murray, Kristy Westbrooke, Michelle McCullough and Marybelle Randall. 

School Representatives:
    Administration Representatives - Mr. Giffen, Mr. Comish
    Teaching Representatives - Ms. Thompson, Mrs. Hutchinson, Mr. Potter
    Non-Teaching Representative - Mrs. Crittenden